Community Update — July 22nd 2019

It has been an extremely busy month as usual, and we are now at a point where we no longer need to explain how much work is going on behind the scenes as the fruits of our labour are already starting to blossom.

Key highlights of this month include the Board election which is currently being run by The Opportunities Party, the upcoming TOP AGM, the engagement with HLC and being selected as finalists by the Australian Digital Commerce Association for the Best Government Blockchain Project of the year 2019.

Team members Sam Kourbeis and Dan Crane from Brisbane will be attending the inaugural Blockies awards tomorrow evening in Sydney, and we are hoping to see our efforts on delivering the Ministers Recreational Fishing Advisory Council for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia vote rewarded on the night. Regardless of the outcome, it’s an honour to receive this nomination.

The Opportunities Party and Horizon State

Community Update — July 22nd 2019 1

TOP will be holding its Annual General Meeting in Auckland on 10 August 2019 at 1pm and TOP’s internal elections will once again be conducted by Horizon State.

Andy Ellis, Chief Product Officer, says “We are thrilled that TOP is utilising our blockchain-based decision-making software again for this engagement, as it ensures that a fair and transparent process is followed and all members can be assured that their input counts.” He adds “It has been great to watch TOP take shape over the last 8 months and transform into a strong, united and devoted team, and we wish Geoff and The Opportunities Party all the best in the 2020 elections.”

TOP have previously used our software to elect their leadership team, and it’s great to see they were so happy with their first engagement with us that they have come back to use us again.

More information about the work we are doing with TOP NZ

The Blockies — Australian Digital Commerce Association

We are very happy to let all of our supporters know that we have been shortlisted for the BLOCKCHAIN PROJECT (GOVT) OF THE YEAR alongside Everledger and IP Australia.

A total of 111 entries across 12 Award categories demonstrates both the depth and strength of Australia’s Blockchain community.

The Award judging panel was made up of the Board members of both ADCA and Blockchain Australia which will be merging next week to create a single and united voice advocating for the adoption of blockchain technology in Australia.

ADCA CEO, Nicholas Giurietto, said “the judges were very impressed with the quality of the entries and often found it a challenge to separate the excellent from the awesome”.

Blockchain Australia Chair, Adam Poulton, stated that “the overall quality of the award entries demonstrates Australia’s strength in blockchain innovation and the finalists are all examples of leadership at a global level”.

The winners of the inaugural Australian Blockchain Industry Awards will be announced from 7:00PM on Tuesday, July 23rd at the Blockchain Industry Awards Reception kindly hosted by BDO in Sydney. Fingers crossed!

Read the announcement from ADCA here

Wellington Gold Awards — Cyber Category Finalist

Community Update — July 22nd 2019 2

As we mentioned last month, we are proud to be finalists of the 2019 Wellington Gold Awards, in the CYBER category and are looking forward to the dinner and award ceremony on Thursday the 25th of July.

Our Wellington-based team members will be attending the Wellington Gold awards this coming Thursday the 25th July, where we have been selected as finalists for the Cyber Category alongside 4 other great Wellington technology companies. Again, regardless of the outcome, we are very proud of this recognition and it has already brought some great media and potential business our way. We are dusting off the trophy cabinet just in case, but the Wellington team are looking forward to spending the evening together and reminiscing on the hard work and challenges we’ve faced as a business since we began this journey.

Picture of Horizon State

Horizon State

Horizon State editor post documents from the first incarnation of the company for reference purposes.

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About Horizon State

Horizon State’s award-winning voting and engagement product has been built to bridge the trust gap that exists in the communication process between everyday people and those they elect to represent or serve their interests, whether they be public organisations or private businesses.

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